
Sonoma County where we live and work is an ethnically diverse community. Almost one fifth of the population is Latino. We have large communities of Camobodians, Laotian and Vietnamese, Eritreans, Fijians and other non-English speaking as their primary language. Other cultures exist as well including Native American and East Indian. We strive to offer culturally appropriate information, advocacy and training of value to these communities also.

In addition to our Spanish End of Life Issues training, we have substantial Spanish language material in the Journey Project Resource Center and here on this website you can display a list of all the Spanish language resources. We will develop other non-English resources over time as we can locate them and welcome any leads to good resources we should include on this site.

Research of value to understanding cultural issues is provided through annotated links and helps clarify end of life practices, taboos, rituals, etc among various cultures.

Cinco Deseos

[Five Wishes — Advance Directive Workbook] 2000 Envejecimiento con Dignidad Spanish language version of the popular guide to completing advance directives. Funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Obtain from: Aging with Dignity $1 if ordering 25 or more.

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Community Network for Appropriate Technologies

Overview The Community Network for Appropriate Technologies was incorporated in 1978 as a federally recognized nonprofit, tax-exempt educational and charitable organization. Susan Keller, Executive Director and Principal Planner, founded the Community Network based on principles which she developed and employed in the Midwest while facilitating creation of a nationally prominent library council. The general focus

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Como Mejorar el Cuidado Paliativo: Podemos mejorar el cuidado de personas con cancer

[How To Improve Palliative Care: Improving The Care Of Cancer Patients] This report defines the major barriers that keep people from receiving excellent palliative care, as needed, throughout the course of their illness with cancer and recommends a series of steps forward. Institute of Medicine National Research Council of the National Academies 2003; Funded by

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Controlar su Dolor — Taking Control of Your Pain, Partners Against Pain

[Managing Pain] Controlar su Dolor — Taking Control of Your Pain, Partners Against Pain Each multilingual booklet has the English version on the left-hand page, and the other language on the facing page. These booklets were developed in an effort to provide culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate resources for patients. Developed by Boston Cancer Pain

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Diario de Evaluación de la Comodidad

[Comfort Evaluation] “Diario de Evaluación de la Comodidad” – Socios contra el dolor. This spiral bound booklet is designed to help cancer patients describe the type and severity of their pain. Answers patients’ common questions about pain medication and teaches them how to record pain ratings and other symptoms on a daily basis. Obtain from:

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Diversity Rx

Diversity Rx: Promoting language and cultural competence to improve the quality of health care for minority, immigrant, and ethnically diverse communities. Diversity Rx is supported by: The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), Resources for Cross Cultural Health Care (RCCHC), and Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation of Menlo Park, CA. For more information contact Diversity

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Documentos sobre el cáncer

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), one of eight agencies that compose the Public Health Service (PHS) in the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). The NCI, established under the National Cancer Act of 1937, is the Federal Government’s principal agency for cancer research and

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