Children and Teens Grief Support Groups
Please See “Contact Information” on Support Group home page when contact is (—)
Note: A pre-attendance interview may be required for children and teen groups. Please call for an appointment and meeting dates and times.
Children’s Grief Relief Group
Talk, play, and create art with other elementary school-age children who have experienced the death of a family member or friend. Monday evenings To schedule an interview contact Yolande Adams, MFT at (707) 778-6242. (HoPe)
Older Kids Grief Relief Group
An activities group for young people ages 10 to 14 for friendship and support through the normal process of grief. Monday Evenings. To schedule an interview contact:
Yolande Adams, MFT at (707)778-6242. (HoPe)
Teen Grief Group
A Support Group for teenagers who have experienced the death of a family member or friend. We use writing, art, music and other means to communicate and heal.
Tuesday Afternoons. Call Yolande Adams, MFT at (707)778-6242
to schedule an interview. (HoPe)
Just for Kids
For children ages 5 to 12 whose loved one has a
life-threatening illness. (SV&H)
Kids Together
For children ages 5 to 12 who have experienced the death of a loved one. Teenagers Living With Loss. For teens, ages 13 to 17, before or after a death in their family or circle of friends. (SH&V)
More like this: Children, Support Groups