Support Group Clearinghouse

Please Note: Mental Health Support Groups are accessible in the Mental Health section of this website accessible through the sidebar on this page.

Support groups offer individual and group support, education and training. Additionally, hospice programs traditionally offer emergency response to businesses and schools. The Journey Project Support Group Clearinghouse was created to help consumers and professional better connect with one another in the greater Sonoma County region.

Support Group Contact information including phone numbers is below here the lead into the Clearinghouse with codes assigned for providers offering multiple groups. All groups are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated. Donations are often welcome and pre-registration is usually requested.

Times and support groups offered may change over time but are usually fairly consistent. Call the provider to learn if support groups are currently available and for group specific information please.

Support Groups are divided into four sections for easy access:

The Grief and Loss section is organized using the following subgroups:

Contact Information for Support Group Convenors
Included in this Clearinghouse service

Most all entries reference back to the following list of agencies for contact information. Site users must reference this section to determine agency/contact information for support group activity as need be. e.g. AA, HoPe, MH. Please be sure to check with agencies offering programs to make certain of current times and availability as this list may not always be up to date.

Special Note: The Hospice of Petaluma and Memorial Hospice websites now have current extensive lists of all support groups in our region under the “Community Programs” tab. Just choose town closest to you and then scroll down to “Support Groups”. Extensive collection of links to many other programs and services will be found under the Community Program tab as well.

(AA) Alzheimer’s Association of the North Bay
Telephone: 573-1210

(HBTB) Hospice By The Bay Sonoma Valley Office: (707) 935-7504 (no charge if family membe has received HBTB care within previous year)

(HoPe) Hospice of Petaluma, 416 Payran Street, Petaluma, CA 94952.
Telephone: 707-778-6242.

(MH) Memorial Hospice, 821 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401 (707) 568-1094

(PLF) Primrose Living Fund Affiliated with Primrose Alzheimer’s Living, Inc
Jacquie Smith (Community Ed Coordinator) 578-8360 ex. 112

(RCRC) Redwood Caregiver Resource Center
141 Stony Circle, Suite 200 Santa Rosa 95401 542-0282 or (800) 834-1636

(SVNA) Sutter VNA & Hospice
110 Stony Point Road, Suite 110 Santa Rosa 95401 Phone: (707) 535-5780. Note name change effective 2012 now called Sutter Care at Home.

Updates & Additions
We depend upon site users and service providers to help keep this information current. Please email any changes or additions to

If your support group is not included and is accessible to Sonoma County residents please send us related information and we will add your program to the list.
Thank you.