Improving End of Life Care: Why Has It Been So Difficult?

For this project, The Hastings Center invited some of the country’s experts on end of life care to explore the significance of changes in end-of-life care. The final report, Improving End-of-Life Care: Why Has It Been So Difficult? features essays on subjects ranging from disability rights to public policy, examining where we have been, and where we have yet to go. Each essay asks us to consider what we believe to be true about end-of-life care, to consider what is actually true, and to envision a different approach to concerns such as personal autonomy, advance directives, disability rights, and the legal system.

Funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Visit this Hasting Center website to read and download a copy of this 12/05 turnkey 60 page report on the current state of the end of life movement and challenges ahead.”

Visit Improving End of Life Care: Why Has It Been So Difficult?

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