Posts Table

Caregiver Action Network (CAN)Caregiver Action Network (CAN) (formerly known as the National Caregiver Association) is the nation’s leading …2022/09/28Advocacy, Caregiving, Dementia, Models & Research, National & International2022-09-28 08:47:59
MAP Facilitators Resource CenterMaking a Plan Peer Center Orientations These orientations were presented to West County Community Services …2022/02/02Resources2022-02-02 15:16:19
Peer Support Specialist Certification (SB 803) This website tracks implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 803 (Beall, Chapter 150, Statues of …2021/03/15Mental Health, Mental Health Support & Advocacy2021-03-15 08:40:50
MAP Orientations & ResourcesThis section has videos for Peer Community Orientations to Advance Care Planning with Mental Health …2021/03/11Mental Health2021-03-11 12:37:34
Making a Plan ToolkitThe Making A Plan Toolkit includes a Workbook, a Forms booklet, and the companion piece …2021/03/11Mental Health2021-03-11 12:36:52
West County Community ServicesWest County Community Services (WCCS) is a multi-service human services agency for western Sonoma County, …2020/07/17Mental Health Support & Advocacy2020-07-17 13:59:35
BuckelewBuckelew helps people with behavioral health challenges lead healthier, more independent lives, strengthening families and …2020/07/17Mental Health Support & Advocacy2020-07-17 13:55:40
Breakdown of Mental Health in CaliforniaCalMatters has done outstanding work related to the Breakdown of Mental Health in California. In …2020/05/08Calif & Western Region, Legislative, Regulatory, Finance, Mental Health Support & Advocacy2020-05-08 12:04:25
ACCESS CaliforniaACCESS California is a statewide consumer-led public mental health advocacy program of Cal Voices. ACCESS …2020/05/08Advocacy, Calif & Western Region, Mental Health Support & Advocacy2020-05-08 11:48:43
Behavioral Health Division County of SonomaIt is the mission of Sonoma County Behavioral Health Division to promote recovery and wellness …2020/05/06Our Funders & Sponsors2020-05-06 15:17:11
County of Sonoma Warm LineCall (707) 565-2652 for free and private support if you or someone you know is …2020/05/06Mental Health Support & Advocacy2020-05-06 15:01:47
Sonoma County Emergency Mental Health & WellnessSonoma Councty Emergency Mental Health & Wellness in English and Spanish provides guidance and resources …2020/05/06Greater Sonoma County, Latino Resources, Mental Health Support & Advocacy, Spanish2020-05-06 14:59:06
Petaluma People Services Center Counseling Department.The Petaluma People Services Center Counseling Department is dedicated to providing for mental health needs …2020/05/05General, Mental Health Support & Advocacy, Spanish2020-05-05 13:24:56
Russian River Empowerment CenterThe Empowerment Center is currently closed because of the Shelter in Place order. RREC is …2020/05/05Mental Health Support & Advocacy2020-05-05 13:20:58
NAMI Sonoma CountyNAMI Sonoma County (National Alliance on Mental Illness) is dedicated to improving the lives of …2020/05/05Mental Health Support & Advocacy2020-05-05 13:11:11
Sonoma County Peer CouncilSonoma County Peer Council is a diverse collaborative learning community dedicated to working together towards …2020/05/05Mental Health Support & Advocacy2020-05-05 13:08:02
Helpful Resources to Help You Navigate COVID-19Helpful Resources to Help You Navigate COVID-19 is a blog of the Conversation Project who …2020/05/05Compendiums/Guides, Talking Things Over2020-05-05 13:02:26
Mental Health & Wellness: Coping during the coronavirus outbreakMental Health & Wellness: Coping during the coronavirus outbreak was compiled by Sonoma County Emergency …2020/05/05Mental Health Guides2020-05-05 12:58:45
Health Care Decision AidsHealth Care Decision Aids specific to: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Artificial Hydration, Tube Feeding, and Ventilator …2020/05/05Compendiums/Guides, Planning, Talking Things Over2020-05-05 12:50:46
PREPARE for your careThis site operated by the PREPARE Team was founded by Rebecca Sudore, MD, FAAHPM, Professor …2020/05/05Advance Directives2020-05-05 12:41:49
Addressing the Needs of Medicaid Populations During the COVID-19 PandemicThe Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) has compiled this compendium of resources aimed at …2020/04/21Palliative Care & COVID-192020-04-21 11:21:33
The Vital Importance of Advance Care Planning Amid COVID-19. If not now, when?Judy Thomas, JD, Chief Executive Officer of the Coalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC), …2020/04/21Palliative Care & COVID-192020-04-21 11:13:34
Vital TalkVital Talk has been at the forefront of improving serious illness communication a few decades …2020/04/21Palliative Care & COVID-192020-04-21 08:49:52
COVID-19 ResourcesCOVID-19 Resources contributed by members of the nationwide Supportive Care Coalition (SCC). These resources address …2020/04/21Palliative Care & COVID-192020-04-21 08:46:29
Health Care Decisions AidsAt this link you can find Health Care Decision Aids specific to: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), …2020/04/21Palliative Care & COVID-192020-04-21 08:42:48
COVID Communications – ToolboxCoalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC) is the respected voice for advance care planning …2020/04/21Palliative Care & COVID-192020-04-21 08:10:57
CAPC COVID-19 Response ResourcesThe Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) is part of the nonprofit Icahn School of …2020/04/21Palliative Care & COVID-192020-04-21 07:55:15
Get Palliative CareThis consumer website is built and operated by the Center to Advance Palliative Care, the …2018/12/19Palliative Care, Resources2018-12-19 18:00:13
My Care, My Plan: Speak Up Sonoma CountyMy Care, My Plan: Speak Up Sonoma County’s website provides information and resources for Advance …2018/12/19Greater Sonoma County, Organizations & Services, Talking Things Over2018-12-19 17:46:41
Disability Rights CaliforniaDisability Rights California (DRC) is the protection and advocacy agency for California. DRC is a …2018/12/19Calif & Western Region, Organizations & Services2018-12-19 17:17:14
Disability Services and Legal CenterThe Disability Services & Legal Center is located at 521 Mendocino Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA  …2018/12/19Greater Sonoma County, Organizations & Services2018-12-19 17:06:46
Sonoma County Behavioral HealthThe mission of Sonoma County Behavioral Health (SCBH) is to promote recovery and wellness to …2018/12/19Greater Sonoma County, Mental Health Support & Advocacy, Organizations & Services2018-12-19 17:02:46
Wellness and Advocacy CenterThe Wellness and Advocacy Center offers an opportunity for people whose lives have been seriously …2018/12/19Greater Sonoma County, Mental Health Support & Advocacy, Organizations & Services2018-12-19 16:58:29
Interlink Self-Help CenterThe mission of Interlink Self-Help Center is to provide a save environment in which those …2018/12/19Greater Sonoma County, Mental Health Support & Advocacy, Organizations & Services2018-12-19 16:45:58
Health ActionHealth Action is a framework for community health improvement and health equity that mobilizes community …2018/12/19Greater Sonoma County, Organizations & Services2018-12-19 16:44:01
Goodwill-Redwood EmpireGoodwill~Redwood Empire (GRE) was founded in 1974 and is one of the largest non-profit organizations …2018/12/19Greater Sonoma County, Mental Health Support & Advocacy, Organizations & Services2018-12-19 16:40:23
Thinking Ahead 2: My Way, My Choice, My PlanThis title is no longer in use. It was the working title for Making A …2018/12/19Advance Directives, Mental Health, Mental Health Guides2018-12-19 16:32:43
Mental Health Support ServicesThere are many programs in Sonoma County providing assistance to people living with mental health …2018/12/19Mental Health, Organizations & Services2018-12-19 16:27:41
Role Plays: Entering into the conversationFor the Peer Pilot Training, the Community Network and Peer Pilot Advisory Group created role …2018/12/17Mental Health, Mental Health Guides, Talking Things Over2018-12-17 00:53:25
Conversation Guides: Approaching the subject, language to considerThere are a number of helpful guides for entering into the conversation about serious illness …2018/12/17Mental Health, Mental Health Guides, Talking Things Over2018-12-17 00:48:46
Helpful Video ClipsAs part of the clinicians and peer support workers training, we created an annotated listing …2018/12/17Mental Health, Mental Health Guides, Palliative Care, Talking Things Over2018-12-17 00:36:10
Advanced Care Planning Cornerstones: An OverviewThis user-friendly overview clarifies the nature of advance care planning and the advance health care …2018/12/17Mental Health, Mental Health Guides2018-12-17 00:11:54
Mental Health Supportive Care PlanNo matter what our health problems may be, it is important that we are all …2018/12/16Advance Directives, Mental Health, Planning, Talking Things Over2018-12-16 23:51:44
Making a Plan – Thinking AheadMaking A Plan – Thinking Ahead helps you think about what care you want and …2018/12/12Advance Directives, Mental Health2018-12-12 17:46:52
Honoring Choices Minnesota: ACP Toolkit of Videos and ResourcesThis site is of value wherever you may live and provides user friendly videos and …2013/08/09Health Libraries Online, Multi-Cultural Issues, Planning, Talking Things Over2013-08-09 16:52:54
CA Medi-Cal Pediatric Palliative Care Benefit (Partners for Children)California’s Medi-Cal Pediatric Palliative Care Benefit (Partners for Children). The Partners for Children demonstration project, …2013/03/08Children & Pediatrics, Palliative Care2013-03-08 19:02:35
The Conversation ProjectThe Conversation Project (TCP) began in 2010, when Ellen Goodman and a group of colleagues …2013/03/08Talking Things Over2013-03-08 18:59:05
PREPARE for Your CarePREPARE. Launched 1/4/13 by UCSF, PREPARE  assists people to think through how health care decisions …2013/03/08Planning2013-03-08 18:54:17
Talking Things Over Discussion GuideThis workbook is designed for lay discussion leadeers.  The guide proves the format and excercises …2012/07/15Latino Resources, Other non-English Resources, Palliative Care, Spanish, Talking Things Over2012-07-15 17:41:45
Finding Your WayFinding Your Way encourages early family discussions and helps patients and their loved one consider …2012/07/15Compendiums/Guides, Latino Resources, Other non-English Resources, Spanish, Talking Things Over2012-07-15 17:26:26
Community PedsCareA pediatric program of Community Hospice.  Community PedsCare® is a national-award-winning* pediatric palliative and hospice …2012/05/26Children & Pediatrics2012-05-26 16:45:23
George Mark HouseGeorge Mark Children’s House is a non-profit organization based in the Greater San Francisco Bay …2012/05/26Children & Pediatrics2012-05-26 16:44:19
Go Wish GameGo Wish gives you an easy, even entertaining way to talk about what is most …2012/05/03Planning2012-05-03 20:16:13
Ethical Considerations for Life’s EndStart: Wed, 11/02/2005 – 11:30 Location: Kaiser Medical Center, Santa Rosa This presentation by Susan …2012/05/03Bioethics2012-05-03 19:59:57
Healthy SonomaHealthy Sonoma is a one stop source of non-biased data and information about community health …2012/05/01Compendiums/Guides, Disease Management, Educational Opportunities and Events, Greater Sonoma County, Latino Resources, Models & Research2012-05-01 20:25:12
Journey to Life’s End: A Traveler’s GuideFree Excerpt Download an excerpt of the Journey Book in pdf format. Overview Journey to …2012/04/24Products & Services, Publications2012-04-24 03:02:37
Wellness Through Life’s EndThis three hour workshop provides guidance for people interested to improve quality of care and …2012/04/11Products & Services, Workshops2012-04-11 03:08:44
Jean Schulz Donor Advised FundIn the mid-1990s, the Jean Schulz Donor Advised Fund granted the Community Network money needed …2012/04/11Our Funders & Sponsors2012-04-11 03:05:32
Advance Health Care Directive (English and Spanish)The Advance Health Care Directive is a legally binding form that lets you exercise your …2012/04/11Advance Directives, Planning, Spanish2012-04-11 02:55:27
End of Life Values-Choices ChecklistEnglish The End of Life Values-Choices Checklist is a form that lets you think about …2012/04/11Advance Directives, Planning, Spanish2012-04-11 02:51:05
Center for Practical BioethicsSee Midwest Bioethics Center / Center for Practical Bioethics Visit Center for Practical Bioethics2012/04/05National & International2012-04-05 03:03:19
Caregiver Support GroupsCaregiver Support Groups Please See “Contact Information” on Support Group home page when contact is …2012/04/05Caregiver, Support Groups2012-04-05 03:01:30
Sudden Loss Grief Support GroupsSudden Loss Grief Support Groups Survivors of Suicide For those who have lost a loved …2012/04/05Sudden Loss, Support Groups2012-04-05 02:57:45
Spouses & Partners Grief Support GroupsSpouses & Partners Grief Support Groups Please See “Contact Information” on Support Group home page …2012/04/05Spouses & Partners, Support Groups2012-04-05 02:56:32
How Hospitals Shape End of LifeHow Hospitals Shape End of Life Care Summary of Sharon. Kaufman, PhD Presentation to California …2012/04/05Bioethics, Death & Dying, Models & Research2012-04-05 02:53:35
A Caregiver’s ChallengeMaryann Schacht, MSW, BCD, is an author, speaker, and workshop leader with more than 30 …2012/04/05Caregiving, Compendiums/Guides, Greater Sonoma County2012-04-05 02:51:38
Diversity RxDiversity Rx: Promoting language and cultural competence to improve the quality of health care for …2012/04/05Bioethics, Models & Research, Multi-Cultural Issues2012-04-05 02:50:05
General Grief & LossGeneral Grief and Loss Groups Please See “Contact Information” on Support Group home page when …2012/04/05General, Support Groups2012-04-05 02:48:03
Memory Loss Support GroupsMemory Loss Support Groups Please See “Contact Information” on Support Group home page when contact …2012/04/05Memory Loss, Support Groups2012-04-05 02:46:30
Coping With Illness Support GroupsCoping with Illness Support Groups Please See “Contact Information” on Support Group home page when …2012/04/05Coping with Illness, Support Groups2012-04-05 02:45:13
Adult Children Support GroupsAdult Children Support Groups Please See “Contact Information” on Support Group home page when contact …2012/04/05Adult Children, Support Groups2012-04-05 02:42:31
Parents Grief Support GroupsParents Grief Support Groups Please See “Contact Information” on Support Group home page when contact …2012/04/05Parents, Support Groups2012-04-05 02:41:19
Children & Teens Grief Support GroupsChildren and Teens Grief Support Groups Please See “Contact Information” on Support Group home page …2012/04/05Children, Support Groups2012-04-05 02:40:14
Wellness in End-of-Life Care: Where we are and Where we want to beA day-long symposium sponsored by the Community Network for Appropriate Technologies and the Staff Nurses …2012/04/05Products & Services, Workshops2012-04-05 02:28:24
End of Life Issues Program Orientation BinderThis workbook is the workbook all students receive when doing the 9 hour end of …2012/04/05Products & Services, Publications2012-04-05 02:23:06
Community Network for Appropriate TechnologiesOverview The Community Network for Appropriate Technologies was incorporated in 1978 as a federally recognized …2012/04/05Advocacy, Consulting, Greater Sonoma County, Models & Research, Multi-Cultural, Products & Services2012-04-05 02:19:11
Beneficios de Hospicio Medicare[Medicare Benefits For Hospice] 2003 Publication # CMS 02154-S Translated version of English Medicare Benefits …2012/04/05Finances, Spanish2012-04-05 02:13:13
Health Care Decisions[Health Care Decisions] Projecto de Hospicio del Valle (Hospice of the Valley) Educational booklet about …2012/04/05Planning, Spanish2012-04-05 02:12:19
Soledad: una guía para los que han enviudado recientemente.[On Being Alone: A Guide for the Newly Widowed] Provides a comprehensive guide for recently …2012/04/05Grief and Loss Self Help, Spanish2012-04-05 02:08:33
Cinco Deseos[Five Wishes — Advance Directive Workbook] 2000 Envejecimiento con Dignidad Spanish language version of the …2012/04/05Planning, Spanish2012-04-05 02:06:56
Decisiones Difíciles para los Seres Queridos[Difficult Decisions for Those Close to Us] Hank Dunn 2002 Hard Choices for Loving People: …2012/04/05Grief and Loss Self Help, Spanish2012-04-05 02:05:11
Acerca de la Tristeza[Grieving] Booklet addressing grief in simple Spanish with appropriate illustrations. There are other booklets available …2012/04/05Grief and Loss Self Help, Multi-Cultural, Spanish2012-04-05 02:04:16
Controlar su Dolor — Taking Control of Your Pain, Partners Against Pain[Managing Pain] Controlar su Dolor — Taking Control of Your Pain, Partners Against Pain Each …2012/04/05Pain Management, Spanish2012-04-05 02:01:43
Diario de Evaluación de la Comodidad[Comfort Evaluation] “Diario de Evaluación de la Comodidad” – Socios contra el dolor. This spiral …2012/04/05Pain Management, Spanish2012-04-05 02:00:20
Handbook for Creating Home FuneralsHandbook for Creating Home Funerals was created in 1999 by the Community Network Natural Death …2012/04/05Products & Services, Publications2012-04-05 01:12:40
Journey Project“Quality of life is the gold standard in palliative care.”Francis Mueller, MD, Calistoga, California. Through …2012/04/05Advocacy, Death & Dying, Greater Sonoma County, Latino Resources, Models & Research, Planning, Self Help, Talking Things Over2012-04-05 00:45:04
Annotated Bibliography: The Irises at Sea Ranch and Iris Commons at Gualala Project Development Models and Supporting Research©2004, 14 pages. This annotated bibliography was prepared from materials contained in the Community Network …2012/04/05Products & Services, Publications2012-04-05 00:36:29
Life Review, Grief & Loss, Ritual & CeremonyThis three hour workshop teaches people about bringing closure and peace of mind to the …2012/04/05Life Review, Products & Services, Publications, Workshops2012-04-05 00:33:28
Dying At Home: Guidelines & ResourcesThis three hour workshop teaches participants about the actual dying process, how to prepare, and …2012/04/05Dying at Home, Products & Services, Workshops2012-04-05 00:31:55
Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) is a document to help ensure that a patient’s …2012/04/05Advance Directives, Legislative, Regulatory, Finance, Models & Research, Planning2012-04-05 00:29:08
Hospice By The Bay – Valley of the Moon TeamThe Valley of the Moon Team is a program of Hospice By The Bay serving …2012/04/05Greater Sonoma County, Palliative Care, Spanish2012-04-05 00:25:57
Exchange BankThe Exchange Bank awarded the Community Network a grant in 2010 to replace the computer …2012/03/29Our Funders & Sponsors2012-03-29 04:00:15
Medic Alert BraceletMedicAlert® is the leading personal health record repository for medical information with its famous Medic …2012/03/29Advance Directives, Caregiving, Planning2012-03-29 03:59:14
Prehospital Do Not Resuscitate Form & InformationThis form was developed by the CA Emergency Medical Services Authority, in concert with the …2012/03/29Advance Directives, Bills, Laws, Regulations, Planning2012-03-29 03:58:43
Thinking Ahead: My Way, My Choice, My Life at the EndThis advance care planning workbook was designed by and for people with developmental disabilities to …2012/03/29Advance Directives, Compendiums/Guides, Latino Resources, Other non-English Resources, Planning, Spanish2012-03-29 03:58:08
The California HealthCare FoundationThe California HealthCare Foundation (CHCF) is dedicated to advancing meaningful, measurable improvements in the way the …2012/03/29Calif & Western Region, Organizations & Services, Our Funders & Sponsors2012-03-29 03:56:20
Heartland HospiceThe mission of Heartland Hospice is to provide specialized care that meets the physical, emotional, …2012/03/29Calif & Western Region, Death & Dying, Greater Sonoma County, Grief and Loss Self Help, Palliative Care2012-03-29 03:54:48
Californians’ End-of-Life Care Differs by Race and EthnicityThis important study and related reports released by the California Healthcare Foundation in March 16, …2012/03/29Bioethics, Caregiving, Models & Research, Multi-Cultural Issues, Palliative Care, Planning2012-03-29 03:53:37
Hold Your Breath – A Journey into Cross-Cultural MedicineHold Your Breath – A Journey into Cross-Cultural Medicine Film Directed by Maren Grainger-Monsen, MD …2012/03/29Caregiving, Models & Research, Multi-Cultural Issues, Music, Arts, Radio, Palliative Care, The Final Days2012-03-29 03:47:29
Final Crossing: Learning to Die in Order to LiveThe Final Crossing: Learning to Die in Order to Live is a new book by …2012/03/29Caregiving, Caring in Final Weeks, Death & Dying, Dying at Home, Palliative Care, The Final Days2012-03-29 03:45:59
Sonoma County Health ActionIn August 2007, the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors authorized the Department of Health Services …2012/03/29Advocacy, Agencies and Elected Officials, Greater Sonoma County, Models & Research, Palliative Care2012-03-29 03:44:10
Taking Care: Ethical Caregiving in our Aging SocietyTAKING CARE: ETHICAL CAREGIVING IN OUR AGING SOCIETY published by The President’s Council on Bioethics …2012/03/29Bioethics, Caregiving, Death & Dying, Models & Research, Palliative Care, Planning2012-03-29 03:43:03
National Institute on Minority Health and Health DisparitiesThe mission of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) is to …2012/03/29Advocacy, Compendiums/Guides, Educational Opportunities and Events, Latino Resources, Models & Research, Multi-Cultural Issues, Other non-English Resources, Related Tools2012-03-29 03:41:25
American Public Health AssociationFounded in 1872, the American Public Health Association (APHA) is the oldest, largest and most …2012/03/29Advocacy, Bills, Laws, Regulations, Educational Opportunities and Events, Multi-Cultural Issues2012-03-29 03:40:15
Attitudes Toward End of Life Care In CaliforniaCalifornia HealthCare Foundation’s online resource for independent research, analysis, and news on issues affecting health …2012/03/29Models & Research2012-03-29 03:39:33
Snapshot: Death and Dying in CaliforniaJudith Citko and Lake Research Partners, November 2006 Despite its inevitability, death is a difficult …2012/03/29Models & Research2012-03-29 03:38:10
Marco A. Vidal FundSince 2007, the Marco A. Vidal Fund has been providing general operating support to the …2012/03/29Our Funders & Sponsors2012-03-29 03:37:11
Kaiser Santa Rosa Senior ResourcesKaiser Permanente Santa Rosa Medical Center provides this site to inform seniors and their caregivers …2012/03/29Caregiving, Disease Management, Greater Sonoma County, Planning2012-03-29 03:36:47
Center for Practical Bioethics Resource LinksThe Center for Practical Bioethics offers a variety of publications, video and audiotapes designed to …2012/03/29Bioethics, Compendiums/Guides, Models & Research, Palliative Care, Talking Things Over2012-03-29 03:35:43
Center for Practical Bioethics-Case Studies at the Crossroads of decisionCase studies provide a way for us to analyze and think-through difficult medical and moral …2012/03/29Bioethics, Models & Research, Planning, Talking Things Over2012-03-29 03:34:48
Care of the Patient with Severe Chronic Illness – An Online Report on the Medicare Program.Care of the Patient with Severe Chronic Illness-An Online Report on the Medicare Program is …2012/03/29Caregiving, Legislative, Regulatory, Finance, Medicare Guides, Models & Research2012-03-29 03:33:56
Improving End of Life Care: Why Has It Been So Difficult?For this project, The Hastings Center invited some of the country’s experts on end of …2012/03/29Models & Research2012-03-29 03:32:53
Get Palliative Care (Consumer Ed Site)“Palliative care is about the caring catching up with the technology,” a family member writes. …2012/03/29Palliative Care2012-03-29 03:31:58
St. Joseph Health System – Sonoma CountyThe St. Joseph Health System Sonoma County Community Benefit Department provided seed money for the …2012/03/29Our Funders & Sponsors2012-03-29 03:31:06
Kaiser Permanente Santa RosaA grant award from Kaiser Permanente (KP) Santa Rosa Community Benefit enabled the Community Network …2012/03/29Our Funders & Sponsors2012-03-29 03:30:11
National Alliance for CaregiversThe National Alliance for Caregiving was created to conduct research, do policy analysis, develop national …2012/03/29Advocacy, Caregiving, Disease Management, Medicare Guides, Models & Research, National & International2012-03-29 03:29:17
Hungry for Air On-line Support Community for COPDThis site sponsored by the American Lung Association and ALTANA Pharma provides help to sufferers, …2012/03/29Caregiving, Heart/Lung Disease, National & International2012-03-29 03:27:00
Redwood Caregiver Resource CenterThe Redwood Caregiver Resource Center (RCRC) is one of several Caregiver Resource Centers throughout California …2012/03/29Caregiving, Dementia, Educational Opportunities and Events, Greater Sonoma County, Planning2012-03-29 03:25:58
Link2Care – Information on every facet of caregiving for dementiaFree, convenient advice and support via your computer. Link2Care if for caregivers caring for people …2012/03/29Caregiving, Dementia, Planning, Talking Things Over2012-03-29 03:25:06
Kelly Corrigan – Author & Breast Cancer SurvivorKelly Corrigan – Author & Breast Cancer Survivor For years, Kelly Corrigan had a how-to …2012/03/29Disease Management, Models & Research, Other Diseases2012-03-29 03:24:15
Reluctant Realism – Latino Perspective on End of Life IssuesReluctant Realism by Margaret R. McLean and Margaret A. Graham published in Issues in Ethics, …2012/03/29Advocacy, Bioethics, Latino Resources, Models & Research, Multi-Cultural Issues, Palliative Care, Planning, Talking Things Over2012-03-29 03:23:24
A Framework For Thinking EthicallyA Framework For Thinking Ethically Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University This document …2012/03/29Bioethics, Compendiums/Guides, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research2012-03-29 03:22:18
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara UniversityA forum for research and discussion in all areas of applied ethics The Markkula Center …2012/03/29Bioethics, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research, Multi-Cultural Issues2012-03-29 03:21:08
Caring Connections – It’s About How You LIVECaring Connections, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO), is a …2012/03/29Caregiving, Death & Dying, Educational Opportunities and Events, Grief and Loss Self Help, Models & Research, Multi-Cultural Issues, National & International, Palliative Care, Talking Things Over2012-03-29 03:18:21
Promises to Keep: Changing the Way we Provider Care at the End of LifePromises to Keep: Changing the Way We Provide Care at the End of Life published …2012/03/29Advocacy, Compendiums/Guides, Disease Management, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research, Palliative Care, Planning2012-03-29 03:15:13
Caring ConversationsCaring Conversations was developed by the Center for Practical Bioethics as a consumer education initiative …2012/03/29Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research, Talking Things Over2012-03-29 03:12:17
Respecting ChoicesRespecting Choices is a model training program for facilitators who become resident experts in Advance …2012/03/29Compendiums/Guides, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research, Planning, Talking Things Over2012-03-29 03:10:40
National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative CareClinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care, a professional consensus from five major US palliative …2012/03/29Bioethics, Models & Research, Palliative Care2012-03-29 03:08:52
Families helping FamiliesThe Jenna Druck Center’s Families Helping Families program provides services for those seeking emotional support, …2012/03/29Compendiums/Guides, Funeral & Ceremony, Grief and Loss2012-03-29 03:07:13
ABA Commission on Law and AgingThe mission of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Law and Aging is to strengthen …2012/03/29Legislative, Regulatory, Finance2012-03-29 03:06:34
AARP Grief and Loss ResourcesVisit AARP Grief and Loss Resources2012/03/29Grief and Loss2012-03-29 03:05:50
Pacific Foundation for Medical CareThe Pacific Foundation for Medical Care granted the Community Network a part of the seed …2012/03/29Our Funders & Sponsors2012-03-29 03:05:27
Community Foundation Sonoma CountyThe Community Foundation Sonoma County provided the Community Network with part of the seed money …2012/03/29Our Funders & Sponsors2012-03-29 03:03:47
Go Wish Cards, Elizabeth S. Menkin, MDGo Wish cards order information, Frequently Asked Questions and examples of clinical uses of these …2012/03/29Advance Directives, Latino Resources, Planning, Talking Things Over2012-03-29 03:02:50
Consider the Conversation: A Documentary on a Taboo SubjectA gressroots project to improve end of life care, this film sheds light on the …2012/03/29Death & Dying, Models & Research, Music, Arts, Radio, Palliative Care, Planning, Talking Things Over2012-03-29 03:02:09
Jewish Family and Children’s ServicesFor over 150 years, JFCS has provided comprehensive, caring social services to Bay Area residents …2012/03/29Greater Sonoma County, Palliative Care2012-03-29 03:00:53
AARP en españolVisit AARP en español2012/03/29National & International, Spanish2012-03-29 03:00:23
And Thou Shalt HonorResources associated with the PBS programs. Visit And Thou Shalt Honor2012/03/29Compendiums/Guides2012-03-29 02:59:56
Stock Photo Library, Abraham Menashe Humanistic PhotographyA full-service image library providing real-time digital delivery of emotive moments under general and medical …2012/03/29Music, Arts, Radio2012-03-29 02:59:30
Critical ConditionsCRITICAL Conditions (SM) is a program that can help you and your loved ones talk …2012/03/29Talking Things Over2012-03-29 02:59:04
American Society of Law, Medicine & EthicsWithin this site you will find information about two nationally acclaimed peer reviewed journals, The …2012/03/29Professional2012-03-29 02:58:41
National Consensus Project for Quality Palliative Care (NCP) GuidelinesThese Guidelines, developed through consensus of five major United States palliative care organizations, describe core …2012/03/29Models & Research2012-03-29 02:58:13
End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) ProjectThe End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) project is a comprehensive, national education program to improve …2012/03/29Educational Opportunities and Events2012-03-29 02:57:45
Approaching death: improving care at the end of lifeReport of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) study study that which examined issues related to …2012/03/29Models & Research2012-03-29 02:57:17
Pain & Policy Studies Group (University of Wisconsin)The purpose of this website is to facilitate public access to information about pain relief …2012/03/29Pain Management2012-03-29 02:56:41
American Academy of Hospice and Palliative MedicineAAHPM is an organization of physicians and other medical professionals dedicated to excellence in palliative …2012/03/29Educational Opportunities and Events, National & International, Palliative Care2012-03-29 02:54:43
Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC)The Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) is a national initiative supported by The Robert …2012/03/29Advocacy, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research, National & International, Palliative Care2012-03-29 02:54:04
Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (NHPNA)Visit Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (NHPNA)2012/03/29Educational Opportunities and Events, National & International, Palliative Care2012-03-29 02:52:55
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) is the largest nonprofit membership organization representing …2012/03/28Educational Opportunities and Events, National & International, Palliative Care2012-03-28 06:53:01
Palliative Care Australia StandardsVisit Palliative Care Australia Standards2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Models & Research, Palliative Care2012-03-28 06:52:11
TIME: Toolkit of Instruments to Measure End of Life CareA fundamental barrier in the quality of care at the end of life is the …2012/03/28Models & Research2012-03-28 06:51:39
American Geriatrics Society (AGS)Excellent resources for health in aging. Tip sheets and lots of how to for caregivers. …2012/03/28Caregiving, Disease Management, Models & Research2012-03-28 06:51:06
Aging With DignityThe non-profit Aging With Dignity provides you with the practical information, advice and legal tools …2012/03/28Planning2012-03-28 06:48:46
Stanford Center for BioethicsThe Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics is dedicated to interdisciplinary research and education in biomedical …2012/03/28Bioethics2012-03-28 06:48:07
American Journal of BioethicsVisit American Journal of Bioethics2012/03/28Bioethics2012-03-28 06:47:42
Midwest Bioethics Center/Center for Practical BioethicsThe Center for Practical Bioethics, formerly known as the Midwest Bioethics Center, has a 20 …2012/03/28Bioethics, Compendiums/Guides, Legislative, Regulatory, Finance, Models & Research, Multi-Cultural Issues, National & International, Palliative Care, Talking Things Over2012-03-28 06:46:38
American Pain FoundationFounded in 1997, the American Pain Foundation is an independent nonprofit 501(c)3 organization serving people …2012/03/28Advocacy, Pain Management2012-03-28 06:44:52
Children’s Hospice & Palliative Care CoalitionChildren’s Hospice and Palliative Care Coalition of California is a group of organizations, institutions and …2012/03/28Advocacy, Calif & Western Region, Caregiving, Children & Pediatrics, Compendiums/Guides, Death & Dying, Models & Research, Palliative Care, Planning2012-03-28 06:44:14
Center for Hospice, Palliative Care, and End of Life Studies at the University of South FloridaA Type III Interdisciplinary Research Center based at the University of South Florida Colleges of …2012/03/28Professional2012-03-28 06:42:59
ChemocareScott Hamilton’s website provides the latest information about chemotherapy to patients and their families, caregivers …2012/03/28Other Diseases2012-03-28 06:42:18
National Heart Lung and Blood InstituteThe National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute provides numerous educational materials in Spanish concerning a …2012/03/28Disease Management, Latino Resources, Spanish2012-03-28 06:41:44
Documentos sobre el cáncerThe National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), …2012/03/28Other Diseases, Spanish2012-03-28 06:41:11
Healthfinder espanol — su guía a la información confiable de la saludhealthfinder® is an award-winning Federal Web site for consumers, developed by the U.S. Department of …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Disease Management, Health Libraries Online, Latino Resources, Spanish2012-03-28 06:40:05
National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA)National Family Caregivers Association is now doing business as Caregiver Action Network and supports, empowers, …2012/03/28Advocacy, Caregiving, Dementia, Models & Research, National & International2012-03-28 06:39:19
AGS Measuring Quality of Care at the End of Life: A Statement of PrinciplesThe quality of care provided to persons near the end of life would be captured …2012/03/28Advocacy2012-03-28 06:38:30
American Geriatrics Society Position StatementsThe American Geriatrics Society (AGS) is the premier professional organization of health care providers dedicated …2012/03/28Professional2012-03-28 06:38:03
Foundation for Health in Aging ResourcesThe AGS Foundation for Health in Aging (FHA) strives to make trustworthy and practical health …2012/03/28Caregiving, Pain Management2012-03-28 06:37:12
POV A Family Undertaking (PBS)Prior to the 20th century, most Americans prepared their dead for burial with the help …2012/03/28Funeral & Ceremony, Music, Arts, Radio2012-03-28 06:36:27
Hospice Net: Preparing for Approaching DeathGood overview of the process of dying and what to expect in terms of approaching …2012/03/28Death & Dying2012-03-28 06:35:03
Naomi Feil, M.S.W Validation Therapy WebsiteProvides access to numerous articles that contain much good information in terms of effectively communicating …2012/03/28Dementia, Models & Research2012-03-28 06:34:17
On Our Own Terms – Bill Moyers on DyingThe On Our Own Terms website (associated with the PBS Bill Moyers video series on …2012/03/28Talking Things Over2012-03-28 06:33:39
The Four ThingsThe Four Things are everyday guides for doing the right thing, for reconciling the rifts …2012/03/28Talking Things Over2012-03-28 06:32:19
Suncoast Hospice Resource CenterA national leader in development of tools and resources people living with chronic and/or terminal …2012/03/28Caregiving, Compendiums/Guides, Grief and Loss Self Help, Palliative Care2012-03-28 06:31:49
The Hospice Institute of the Florida SuncoastThe Hospice Institute of the Florida Suncoast is a center of excellence in end-of-life care. …2012/03/28Educational Opportunities and Events2012-03-28 06:31:03
Publications (Foundation of the State Bar of California)Seniors & the Law: A Guide for Maturing Californians – Last updated in 2009. Avaialbe …2012/03/28Advocacy, Compendiums/Guides, Finances, Spanish2012-03-28 06:30:29
Los Mayores y La Ley [Seniors & the Law–A Guide for Maturing Californians]“Seniors & the Law—A Guide for Maturing Californians” is the third in a series of …2012/03/28Bills, Laws, Regulations, Spanish2012-03-28 06:29:18
Heart to Heart (Radio Documentaries on Caring for the Dying)A series of three, hour-long audio documentaries designed for national radio broadcast. Distributed by PRI, …2012/03/28Music, Arts, Radio2012-03-28 06:28:44
Franciscan Medical Group’s Improving Care through the End of LifeFranciscan’s Improving Care through the End of Life program helps people live the end of …2012/03/28Caregiving, Death & Dying, Disease Management, Educational Opportunities and Events, Palliative Care2012-03-28 06:28:09
Community Care LicensingVisit Community Care Licensing2012/03/28Agencies and Elected Officials2012-03-28 06:27:20
Ca State Assembly Committee on Aging and Long Term CareCommittee Jurisdiction: Primary jurisdiction includes area agencies on aging, California Department of Aging, long-term supports …2012/03/28Agencies and Elected Officials2012-03-28 06:26:55
California State AssemblyVisit California State Assembly2012/03/28Agencies and Elected Officials2012-03-28 06:26:25
California State SenateVisit California State Senate2012/03/28Agencies and Elected Officials2012-03-28 06:25:49
California Department of AgingVisit California Department of Aging2012/03/28Agencies and Elected Officials, Calif & Western Region2012-03-28 06:25:25
California Department of Health & Human ServicesVisit California Department of Health & Human Services2012/03/28Agencies and Elected Officials, Calif & Western Region2012-03-28 06:24:44
George Washington University Online Learning Course in End of Life CareVisit George Washington University Online Learning Course in End of Life Care2012/03/28Educational Opportunities and Events2012-03-28 06:24:11
American River College Online Courses in GerontologyVisit American River College Online Courses in Gerontology2012/03/28Educational Opportunities and Events2012-03-28 06:23:47’s HealthCastAs the webcasting service of, HealthCast streams a wide range of health policy events, …2012/03/28Educational Opportunities and Events, Legislative, Regulatory, Finance2012-03-28 06:22:48
Leading Age formerly American Association of Homes and Care for the AgingThe American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA) is committed to advancing …2012/03/28Advocacy, Bills, Laws, Regulations, Educational Opportunities and Events, Legislative, Regulatory, Finance2012-03-28 06:22:05
Innovations in End-of-Life Care JournalAn international journal of leaders in end of life care. An online journal featuring peer-reviewed …2012/03/28Models & Research2012-03-28 06:21:04
City of Hope/ Pain and Palliative Care Resource CenterA well-indexed comprehensive site on all related topics. Palliative Care section includes recommended books with …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Health Libraries Online, Models & Research, Pain Management2012-03-28 06:20:31
Last Acts Print Materials on Palliative Care for ProfessionalsThe Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Last Acts Program spearheaded the national movement in the late …2012/03/28Death & Dying, Finances, Models & Research, National & International, Palliative Care, Planning2012-03-28 06:19:45
End of Life/Palliative Care Education Resource Center, Medical College of Wisconsin – MilwaukeeThe purpose of EPERC is to assist physicians and other educators involved in all aspects …2012/03/28Educational Opportunities and Events, Health Libraries Online, Models & Research2012-03-28 06:17:26
Promoting Excellence in End-of-Life CareDedicated to long-term changes to improve health care for dying people and their families. Through …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research2012-03-28 06:16:21
Multicultural Palliative Care GuidelinesThese guidelines prepared by the Palliative Care Council of South Australia give an overview of …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Latino Resources, Multi-Cultural Issues, Palliative Care2012-03-28 06:15:31
Fact sheets on issues for Hmong familiesSince many Hmong family caregivers are bilingual, CaregiverMN provides CARE PAGES in English on common …2012/03/28Other non-English Resources2012-03-28 06:14:02
Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate CareThe Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care, the only organization in the nation devoted to …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Educational Opportunities and Events, Multi-Cultural, National & International, Other non-English Resources, Palliative Care, Planning, Related Tools2012-03-28 06:13:32
Como Mejorar el Cuidado Paliativo: Podemos mejorar el cuidado de personas con cancer[How To Improve Palliative Care: Improving The Care Of Cancer Patients] This report defines the …2012/03/28Multi-Cultural, Spanish2012-03-28 06:11:54
Are You in Pain? (18 Multi-language Pain Assessment Scales)If English is not a patient’s native tongue, one of the following 18 translations of …2012/03/28Pain Management, Spanish2012-03-28 06:11:15
Paginas Sobre CuidadoEl personal de CaregiverMN ha creado PAGINAS SOBRE CUIDADO (CAREPAGES) para brindarle a Ud. información …2012/03/28Caregiving, Spanish2012-03-28 06:10:36 is an Internet community of persons dealing with grief, death, and major loss. Their …2012/03/28Grief and Loss Self Help2012-03-28 06:09:45
National Hispanic Council on AgingVisit National Hispanic Council on Aging2012/03/28National & International, Spanish2012-03-28 06:08:51
Partnership for the Public’s HealthPPH is both a place-based and people-based strategy. PPH supports strong, dynamic partnerships that bring …2012/03/28Advocacy2012-03-28 06:08:14
The California EndowmentFunding from The California Endowment assisted with development of the tools, resources and capacity to …2012/03/28Our Funders & Sponsors2012-03-28 06:07:42
Americans for Better Care of the DyingAmericans for Better Care of the Dying goals are to: build momentum for reform; explore …2012/03/28Advocacy, Caregiving, Compendiums/Guides, Disease Management, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research, National & International, Palliative Care2012-03-28 06:06:30
Supportive Care CoalitionFormed in 1994 as Supportive Care of the Dying by six visionary Catholic health care …2012/03/28Advocacy, Compendiums/Guides, Death & Dying, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research, National & International, Palliative Care, Planning2012-03-28 06:03:17
Volunteer Center of Sonoma CountyCourt Referral Human Services Info & Referral – The Directory Resource Center for Nonprofits Retired …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 06:01:44
Sonoma County Veterans Service OfficeThe county Veterans Service Office program was established in California in 1946 to provide assistance …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 06:01:04
In Home Support Services Public AuthorityIHSS is a Sonoma County Human Services Department program designed to help low-income elderly and …2012/03/28Caregiving, Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 06:00:34
Sonoma County Human Services Information and Referral ServiceAn online directory. Visit Sonoma County Human Services Information and Referral Service2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 05:59:46
Sonoma County TransitComplete schedules and maps for all buses serving Sonoma County and Cities within the County. …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County, Transportation2012-03-28 05:58:48
Sonoma County Adult and Aging Services Division – complete listing of services & personnelProvides web links to Adult Protective Services, In Home Supportive Services, Area Agency on Aging, …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 05:57:05
Link2CareLink2Care is an online information and support program for family caregivers in California. The resources …2012/03/28Calif & Western Region, Caregiving, Dementia, Other Diseases2012-03-28 05:56:07
Growth House RadioGrowth House Radio is entertainment with a mission: to improve the quality of compassionate care …2012/03/28Music, Arts, Radio2012-03-28 05:55:18
Growth HouseGrowth House, Inc., provides this portal to resources for life-threatening illness and end of life …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides2012-03-28 05:54:35
Exploring Caregiver IssuesLeadingAge formerly was American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging offers numerous resources …2012/03/28Caregiving2012-03-28 05:54:02
Coda AllianceThe Coda Alliance is a collaborative in Silicon Valley that share the goal to implement …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research, Planning, Talking Things Over2012-03-28 05:52:57
Living with Congestive Heart Failure and Living with Advanced Lung Disease: A Guide for Family CaregiversLiving with Congestive Heart Failure and Living with Advanced Lung Disease are guides for family …2012/03/28Heart/Lung Disease2012-03-28 05:51:28
How to Help During the Final Weeks of LifeA working group of physicians and patient advocates have developed a set of tools that …2012/03/28Caring in Final Weeks2012-03-28 05:48:56
The Final DaysNumerous articles about death and dying. Visit The Final Days2012/03/28The Final Days2012-03-28 05:48:14
Taking Care of Others: Caregiver Survival TipsCaregiver Survival Tips offers a simple ten-step approach to aid you in your helping role. …2012/03/28Caregiving, Spanish2012-03-28 05:47:35
With Eyes Open“With Eyes Open” is a four part public television series discussing caregiving, grief, difficult decisions …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides2012-03-28 05:46:54
Fast Facts (from End of Life/Palliative Education Resource Center)Fast Facts services of the End of Life/Palliative Education Resource Center (EPERC) provides peer reviewed, …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Educational Opportunities and Events, Palliative Care2012-03-28 05:46:22
Completing A LifeAn interactive CD-ROM and Web Site inviting patients and families to learn about the practical, …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides2012-03-28 05:45:34
Deidre Scherer (Textile Art on Aging and Mortality)My fiber work focuses on the universal issues of age and mortality. By honoring the …2012/03/28Music, Arts, Radio2012-03-28 05:44:58
Seeing the DifferenceA project on viewing death and dying in interdisciplinary perspective. A project of the Doreen …2012/03/28Music, Arts, Radio2012-03-28 05:44:15
Sutter VNA and Hospice Support Group Listing for Sonoma County and Bay RegionThe Sutter VNA & Hospice Bereavement Program offers individual and group support to those who …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 05:42:55
Environmental Center of Sonoma CountyThe Environmental Center has three functions. It supports the work of member organizations, serves as …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 02:03:31
Time to address the need to improve end of life care by Susan KellerSusan Keller, Executive Director of the Community Network, wrote this piece at the request of …2012/03/28Disease Management, Legislative, Regulatory, Finance, Palliative Care, Planning, Press2012-03-28 02:02:39
Stop PainThe Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care at Beth Israel Medical Center is dedicated …2012/03/28Pain Management, Palliative Care2012-03-28 02:01:37
ALS AssociationThe ALS Association relentlessly pursues its mission to help people living with ALS and to …2012/03/28Other Diseases2012-03-28 02:01:00
American Lung AssociationThe American Lung Association® is the oldest voluntary health organization in the United States, with …2012/03/28Heart/Lung Disease2012-03-28 02:00:21
American Liver FoundationThe American Liver Foundation is a national voluntary health agency dedicated to promoting liver wellness …2012/03/28Other Diseases2012-03-28 01:59:40
American Diabetes AssociationThe American Diabetes Association is the nation’s leading nonprofit health organization providing diabetes research, information …2012/03/28Diabetes2012-03-28 01:58:58
National Kidney FoundationThe National Kidney Foundation, Inc., a major voluntary health organization, seeks to prevent kidney and …2012/03/28Other Diseases2012-03-28 01:58:24
The Body (An AIDS/HIV Information Resource)The Body’s mission is to: Use the Web to lower barriers between patients and clinicians. …2012/03/28Other Diseases2012-03-28 01:57:47
American Heart AssociationAmerican Heart Association’s mission is to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. …2012/03/28Heart/Lung Disease2012-03-28 01:57:01
Alzheimer’s AssociationThe Alzheimer’s Association, the world leader in Alzheimer research and support, is a voluntary health …2012/03/28Caregiving, Dementia, National & International2012-03-28 01:56:19
Cancer Net (National Cancer Institute)The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), …2012/03/28Other Diseases2012-03-28 01:55:26
Cancer CareCancerCare is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to provide free professional help to …2012/03/28Other Diseases2012-03-28 01:54:47
American Cancer SocietyThe American Cancer Society is the nationwide community- based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating …2012/03/28Other Diseases, Pain Management, Spanish2012-03-28 01:54:00
Living Old: Frontline November 21, 2006Living Old is one hour Frontline program filmed November 21, 2006 presenting a powerful and …2012/03/28Bioethics, Caregiving, Death & Dying, Models & Research, Palliative Care, Planning2012-03-28 01:52:47
Palliative Care AustraliaPalliative Care Australia is the national peak body for palliative care in Australia. Their goal …2012/03/28Palliative Care2012-03-28 01:51:09
Compassion and ChoicesCompassion & Choices is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving care and expanding choice at …2012/03/28Advocacy, Calif & Western Region, Death & Dying, Educational Opportunities and Events, Greater Sonoma County, National & International, Palliative Care2012-03-28 01:50:38
Seniors and the Law (English)Seniors & the Law—A Guide for Maturing Californians is the third in a series of …2012/03/28Bills, Laws, Regulations2012-03-28 01:47:56
MedicaringThis site from the Washington Home Center for Palliative Care Studies offers support and resources …2012/03/28Models & Research2012-03-28 01:46:51
How To Relieve Pain Without MedicineWhat Are Some of The Ways I Can Relieve Pain Without Taking Medicine? For some …2012/03/28Pain Management2012-03-28 01:45:46
What to Ask Your DoctorWhen a person is first diagnosed with a serious illness, feelings of shock and stress …2012/03/28Caregiving, Compendiums/Guides, Disease Management, Planning2012-03-28 01:44:40
Professional Forum at Growth HouseThe Growth House Professional Forum gives you access to many mailing lists for end-of-life care …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Educational Opportunities and Events, Palliative Care2012-03-28 01:43:31
Pain Control: Dispelling the MythsHospice strongly advocates good pain control for terminally ill patients, even to the point of …2012/03/28Pain Management, Palliative Care2012-03-28 01:42:50
Naropa University Online EducationA comprehensive training in end-of-life care that brings together the ancient wisdom of the Buddhist …2012/03/28Educational Opportunities and Events2012-03-28 01:41:41
Educating Physicians in End of Life CareThe EPEC training is easily accessible on line or to bring into the community as …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research, Palliative Care2012-03-28 01:40:52
Bill Moyer’s On Our Own Terms SeriesThere is a great divide separating the kind of care Americans say they want at …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Dying at Home2012-03-28 01:39:24
Robert Wood Johnson FoundationRobert Wood Johnson Foundation Rallying Points was a national program (active 2000 – 2004)dedicated to …2012/03/28Our Funders & Sponsors2012-03-28 01:37:54
Last ActsLast Acts was a national coalition of organizations engaged in an unprecedented education campaign to …2012/03/28Advocacy, Death & Dying, Models & Research, National & International2012-03-28 01:35:53
Coalition for Compassionate Care of CaliforniaThe Coalition for Compassionate Care of California (CCCC) is a statewide partnership of more than …2012/03/28Advocacy, Calif & Western Region, Educational Opportunities and Events, Models & Research2012-03-28 01:34:46
Hospice of PetalumaPlease Note: Donations must be made directly to Hospice of Petaluma, 416 Payran St. Petaluma, …2012/03/28Caregiving, Caring in Final Weeks, Death & Dying, Dying at Home, Greater Sonoma County, Grief and Loss Self Help, Palliative Care2012-03-28 01:33:27
Dartmouth Atlas of Health CareFor more than 20 years, the Dartmouth Atlas Project has documented glaring variations in how …2012/03/28Compendiums/Guides, Death & Dying, Models & Research, National & International, Palliative Care2012-03-28 01:31:28
How Much Do We Spend on End-of-Life Care?It’s not surprising that individuals in their last year of life consume a disproportionate share …2012/03/28Finances2012-03-28 01:30:05
Alzheimer’s Association (North Bay Area Chapter)The North Bay Area Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association was founded by committed family members. …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 01:28:54
Consumer Help Site – National Association of Social WorkersIn thousands of ways, social workers help people help themselves. People of every age. From …2012/03/28Caregiving, Death & Dying, Educational Opportunities and Events, Grief and Loss Self Help, National & International, Planning2012-03-28 01:28:03
Spiritual Care Program USAThe US Spiritual Care Program provides education and training to professional caregivers and trained volunteers. …2012/03/28Educational Opportunities and Events2012-03-28 01:26:38
United Hospital Fund of New York CityThe United Hospital Fund’s mission is to shape positive change in health care for the …2012/03/28Models & Research2012-03-28 01:25:48
Sutter Care at HomeFormerly Sutter VNA & Hospice and before that Home Hospice of Sonoma County & the …2012/03/28Caregiving, Disease Management, Greater Sonoma County, Grief and Loss Self Help, Palliative Care2012-03-28 01:24:25
Society for Social Work Leadership in Health CareThe Society for Social Work Leadership in Health Care is an association, 1300 members strong, …2012/03/28Advocacy2012-03-28 01:22:48
Sonoma County Area Agency on AgingFind out about services available to seniors, adults with disabilities and caregivers in Sonoma County. …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 01:09:49
Living/Dying Project: ReferralsThe Living/Dying Project created this list so that people faced with a life-threatening illness and …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 01:07:50
Finding Our Way: Living with Dying in AmericaThe Finding Our Way: Living With Dying in America national newspaper series appeared in more …2012/03/28Caregiving, Compendiums/Guides, Death & Dying, Educational Opportunities and Events, Music, Arts, Radio, Planning, Press, Professional2012-03-28 01:05:27
Memorial HospiceRooted in community, Memorial Hospice has been providing quality, compassionate hospice care and grief services …2012/03/28Death & Dying, Dying at Home, Greater Sonoma County, Grief and Loss, Latino Resources, Palliative Care, Spanish2012-03-28 00:59:19
Hospice By The BayHospice By The Bay, formerly known as Hospice of Marin, is an independent, Medicare and …2012/03/28Caregiving, Death & Dying, Greater Sonoma County, Grief and Loss Self Help, Palliative Care2012-03-28 00:56:59
Hospice Foundation of AmericaHospice Foundation of America is a not-for-profit organization that provides leadership in the development and …2012/03/28Death & Dying, Educational Opportunities and Events, National & International, Palliative Care2012-03-28 00:53:56
CommonwealCommonweal is a small twenty-seven-year-old health and environmental research institute in the Point Reyes National …2012/03/28Calif & Western Region, Death & Dying, Disease Management, Educational Opportunities and Events, Other Diseases, Palliative Care2012-03-28 00:52:13
Final PassagesThe Nature of Life includes the Eventual Miracle of Death, a rite of passage that …2012/03/28Dying at Home, Funeral & Ceremony, Greater Sonoma County, Planning2012-03-28 00:48:24
California Hospice & Palliative Care AssociationThe California Hospice and Palliative Care Association advocates for those facing life-threatening illnesses. They provide …2012/03/28Calif & Western Region2012-03-28 00:44:10
California Association of Public Authorities for In-Home Supportive ServicesThe California Association of Public Authorities, or CAPA, was created to provide proactive leadership to …2012/03/28Calif & Western Region2012-03-28 00:42:27
Council on Aging of Sonoma CountyServices for Seniors: Case Management Meals on Wheels Information and Referral Senior Dining Rooms Long-term …2012/03/28Greater Sonoma County2012-03-28 00:40:28
AARP Final DetailsThe death of a spouse, parent, child, or loved one is a very difficult experience. …2012/03/28Grief and Loss2012-03-28 00:35:39