Making a Plan – Thinking Ahead

Making A Plan – Thinking Ahead helps you think about what care you want and do not want if you cannot speak for yourself. It empowers you to have your wishes known and honored if you are unable to guide your own care because of serious illness including a mental health crisis, frailty or the ending of life. It includes a Workbook, a Forms booklet, and the companion piece titled: Mental Health Supportive Care Plan. Together these materials comprise the “Making a Plan Toolkit.” In addition to helping you express health care wishes, the Making a Plan Toolkit can help clarify what to do with your important possessions if seriously ill or at the ending of life.

Making A Plan-Thinking Ahead Workbook (pdf)

Making A Plan Part II Forms (pdf)

Mental Health Supportive Care Plan with Checklist (pdf)

Mental Health Supportive Care Plan with Open Ended Questions (pdf)

‘eFillable’ Making a Plan Toolkit

Below you will find sections of the MAP Toolkit as electronically fillable (eFillable) forms which can be saved to your computer and completed using your computer allowing you to fill in the forms over time, to save as you go along, and to share with others as you choose. eFillable forms may be accessed and downloaded using hotlinks which follow.

Making A Plan – Thinking Ahead Workbook (eFillable pdf)

Making A Plan Part II Forms (eFillable pdf)

Mental Health Supportive Care Plan with Checklists (eFillable pdf)

Mental Health Supportive Care Plan with Open Ended Questions (eFillable pdf)